New CSI-Cancer Lab Designed to Promote Collaboration

Peter Kuhn, a founding member of the USC Michelson Center, announced the opening of the new Convergent Science Institute in Cancer (CSI-Cancer) lab at Michelson Hall.


The USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience has opened a new Convergent Science Institute in Cancer (CSI-Cancer) lab. Peter Kuhn, a founding member of the USC Michelson Center, made the announcement.  

The space will promote collaboration between undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff, and clinical collaborators with expertise in physics, chemistry, and biology. The focus will be to collaborate on cutting-edge science that benefits patients.

“Collaborative spaces also need to provide for areas that are quiet and allow for focus,” he adds. “For that reason, the center of the new space will serve as that quiet area that visually will be separated from the interaction spaces, but without walls. Careful design using overhead sound-reduction elements and overall workflow organization will allow people to focus on their individual work while only being steps away from ‘happy collisions’ with colleagues.”

The new center is located on the third floor of Michelson Hall on the University Park campus.

Learn more about the CSI-Cancer lab on USCDornsife’s website.


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